Working Groups

The Public Interest Research Alliance (PIRA) is a multistakeholder, non-binding coalition committed to the establishment of shared principles and operational guides for the appropriate collection, storage, and use of platform data for public interest research.


Building upon the foundational work of Social Science One, the Institute for Secure Sharing of Online Data (ISSOD) within the SMaPP Lab at NYU, the Human Rights Center (HRC) at UC Berkeley, the Internet Observatory at Stanford, and the Global Network Initiative, PIRA will serve as a trusted entity to develop overarching principles and guides to inform appropriate data access, sharing, ownership, security, and privacy standards for public interest research across varied collaboration models and research domains. PIRA will officially launch in spring 2020. 


PIRA is actively recruiting organizations and representatives from academia, civil society, government, industry, intergovernmental organizations, and the public to become inaugural members. Please contact Dr. Brandie Nonnecke (nonnecke [at] berkeley [dot] edu) to learn how to become involved. 



On July 1, 2019, the California state government established a multistakeholder blockchain technology working group to evaluate the risks, benefits, best practices, and legal implications of blockchain for the people of California.


The Government Operations Agency formed the Blockchain Working Group as part of the implementation of AB 2658 (Calderon, Chapter 875, Statutes of 2018, G.C. 11546.9) requiring that the Secretary of the Government Operations Agency appoint a blockchain technology working group and chairperson by July 1, 2019.


Camille Crittenden, CITRIS Policy Lab Co-Founder and Executive Director of CITRIS and the Banatao Institute, is serving as the chair.



CITRIS E.D. Camille Crittenden named Chair of California Blockchain Working Group

By Edward Kang, Undergraduate Student Assistant, CITRIS and the Banatao Institute - Blockchain technology has opened up a range of possibilities for secure, immutable transactions of all kinds. It promises a safer data transfer system, yet its promises and limitations have yet to be fully explored.