Federal & California AI Legislation


The CITRIS Policy Lab maintains a database of federal and California AI-related legislation. The database is updated monthly. 


The database includes: name of legislation, summary of legislation, a link to the summary in Congress or the CA Legislature, a focus tag indicating topical area addressed (e.g., national security or workforce protections), date introduced, the congressional session or California session it was introduced in, who introduced it, co-sponsors, party affiliation of the introducer, home state of the introducer, home district of the introducer, whether it was introduced in the California Legislature or Congress, whether it was introduced in the U.S. House or Senate, whether it was introduced in the California Assembly or Senate, legislation type (e.g., bill, resolution, or concurrent resolution), and status.


To download the database as a CSV file, click the three dots (…) in the menu.



Did we miss something? Let us know by emailing CITRIS Policy Lab Director, Brandie Nonnecke (nonnecke@berkeley.edu).